Agenda item

Accommodation Strategy Update


Roger Parkin, Strategic Director of Customer and Transactional Services, outlined a report to provide an update on the progress to date in implementing the Council’s Accommodation Strategy.


The Committee was reminded that following the decision to demolish the 1970s part of the Town Hall there was a need to relocate over 500 members of staff to other Council buildings whilst also improving customer access to services.  It was also necessary to accommodate the return of Housing Services staff to SBC management and consider the creation of the Transactional Services Hub.  The Director advised the Committee that office moves had gone well due to the hard work of the Facilities Team which was greatly appreciated.


It was recommended to CMT that the new Housing Services be relocated to the Centre which had a long term lease in place.  The 15 month lease in place at Airways House tied in with plans  to develop the Transactional Services Hub with an external service provider, who could possibly chose to relocate elsewhere within the town.  The Committee noted the progress made to date regarding the refurbishment of St  Martins Place, the Centre and Airways House and the detail of the office moves schedule.


The Committee noted a number of outstanding accommodation issues and further office moves.  Although the vast majority of staff had already been moved from the Town Hall site, a few services, including Democratic Services and Printing Services were due to move over the next few weeks with a view to all services being relocated by the end of December 2011. A number of other outstanding issues currently being addressed included a review of the reception arrangements at St Martins Place and improvements to the CCTV room (to remain in Town Hall).


Resolved- That the Committee note the current position.

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