Agenda item

Male Cancers/ Cervical Cancer Screening- Presentation by Asmat Nisa, Consultant in Public Health & Assistant Director, Public Health Directorate, NHS Berkshire East


Ms Nisa, Consultant in Public Health and Assistant Director, Public Health Directorate NHS Berkshire East, outlined a presentation on Male and Cervical Cancers.  explaining the causes, risk factors and prevalence.  The Panel noted the detail of the screening programme for cervical cancer and who was eligible.  Ms Nisa discussed initiatives to increase the uptake of screening in Slough and it was highlighted that younger women were less likely to respond to an invitation to be screened and work needed to be done to increase this.


Members raised a number of questions / comments in the ensuing debate and a number of other points of detail.


It was noted that if certain GP practices were not meeting the required targets for screening then measures would be put in place to ensure that this would be achieved.


Male Cancers


The Panel received a presentation on the three most common male cancers, lung cancer, prostate cancer and bowel cancer.  Ms Nisa discussed the causes and risk factors of the respective cancers and mortality rates.


It was confirmed that the incidences of lung cancer were significantly higher in Slough due to the number of smokers and this was being addressed through a smoking cessation programme.  In the previous year a target of 960 quitters had been set.  In response to a member question regarding the suggestion that other commercial environmental factors could contribute to the level of lung cancer in Slough, Ms Nisa advised that she would find out whether any research had been done in this area.  In response to a question about liver cancer, Ms Nisa advised that she had provided the presentation to deal with three main cancers but could provide further information on this if required.


A Member asked whether Panel Members could assist with the promotion of campaigns and Ms Nisa advised that she would be delighted to take up this offer and would invite any members who volunteered to be involved in the process.  


Resolved-  That the Panel thank Ms Nisa for her comprehensive presentation.