Agenda item

Project Performance and Financial Reporting for 2010/11


Emma Foy, Acting Head of Finance, Resources and Regeneration, outlined a report detailing the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management, covering the period and up to and including September 2011. 


Gold Project Update


The Committee noted the progress against the Council’s eleven Gold Projects and  the new standardised format.  It was highlighted that the Safeguarding Improvement Plan was in draft format, and had therefore not been included in the report. The Chalvey Community Hub Regeneration and the Planning for the Future projects had been completed at the end of September 2011 and would be removed from the Gold Project List.


The Officer highlighted that two new projects had been added; the Slough Local Asset Backed Vehicle (‘LABV’) and the Public Health Transition Programme.


It was noted that of the eight active gold projects, six had been assessed as having an overall Green status (although three of these had an Amber level for ‘Issues and Risks’); two projects had an overall Amber status; and none had a Red status.


The Officer responded to a number of Member questions regarding School Places, and Safeguarding and it was agreed that a more detailed response would be obtained from the relevant Director and forwarded to the Committee.


A Member asked whether there would be Member representation on Health and Wellbeing Boards and was advised that at least one Member must be appointed. The Committee requested that a report detailing the purpose and constitution of the Board be submitted to a future meeting of the Committee.


Financial Reporting


The Committee noted that the net revenue budget for 2011/12 was  £105.4m and the Housing Services agreed net operating budget for 2011/12 was a surplus of £87K.  There was currently a forecast under spend for the General Fund of £189K at the end of period six. This was a reduction in net expenditure of £172K since the previous month and forecast surplus of £153k.

For the Housing Revenue Account there was currently a forecast surplus of £153k.


The Committee noted the detail of month on month Movement in Variances for all Directorates and the position for the HRA.  It was highlighted that the 2011-12 PPRG process was underway and therefore savings would be identified for delivery in the current financial year and were not reflected in the report.


The Officer discussed the detail of emerging opportunities relating to each Directorate and referred to the Treasury Report as at 30th September 2011.


In the ensuing debate, Members asked  a number of questions of detail including the reason for the £153K HRA surplus. The concern was expressed that savings should not result in a deterioration in services provided. It was agreed that a detailed response to questions would be circulated to the Committee where required.


Resolved- That the report be noted and that the subject of Health and Wellbeing Boards be considered at a future meeting of the Committee.



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