Agenda item

Minutes of the Meeting held on 12th October, 2011


The minutes of the Education and Children’s Services Scrutiny Panel on 12th October were approved as a correct record.


Minute 28 The Chair asked about correspondence with the Schools Adjudicator on the expansion of Claycots Primary School at the Town Hall. Clair Pyper said the Council had replied to the Adjudicator’s enquiries, and copies will be sent to Panel Members.


Minute 29 The Chair said she had decided not to go ahead with the recommendation to Cabinet as there is no hard data on neighbouring authorities placing challenging families in Slough. Clair Pyper suggested the situation Slough and some other authorities face is the result of national policy, and any lobbying should be directed to central government.


Minute 32 The Panel noted that Members also have a role in addressing attainment issues amongst pupils from ethnic minority backgrounds through their work with constituents. The Chair reminded officers the Panel had not received the gender breakdown officers had promised at the last meeting.

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