Agenda item

Award of Contract for Provision of Transactional Services for Slough Borough Council


(a)  That the progress and status of the contract procurement project be noted.

(b)  That Company 1 (as detailed in the Part II Appendices to this report) be appointed as the preferred supplier.*



The Cabinet was provided with an update as the procurement and establishment of the Transactional Services Centre in Slough, and was requested to approve the preferred supplier as detailed in the Part II report.


A Tender Evaluation Panel had evaluated the tender submissions.  Delays had been incurred as a result of the evaluation of the Invitation to Submit Detailed Specifications taking longer than expected, due to the need to clarify technical and financial aspects of the submissions.  Consequently the procurement timetable had been revised to allow additional time for the suppliers to submit detailed responses to the clarification questions, to allow more time for competitive dialogue and to allow the bidders to undertake due diligence.


The Invitation to Submit a Final Tender was issued on 21st October in line with the revised timetable.


A number of specific objectives had been established; including ensuring that existing employees were engaged in the processes set out within the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employees) Regulations, establishing clear performance standards and increasing the employment opportunities for local people in the future.


The Cabinet was advised that savings in the region of £1.4million would be achieved as a result of the revised contract.  The Cabinet agreed to take the decision on the grounds of urgency, to enable the revised procurement timetable to be followed.


In order to consider the commercially confidential information of the two potential suppliers, it was;


Resolved –


That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of remainder of this item as it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information relation to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information) as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (amended).


(The following is a summary of the Part II debate)


The Cabinet considered the detailed evaluation of the submissions from both suppliers and the recommendations of the Evaluation Panel.


Resolvedon the grounds of urgency -


(a)  That the progress and status of the contract procurement project be noted.

(b)  That Company 1 (as detailed in the Part II Appendices to this report) be appointed as the preferred supplier.

Supporting documents: