Agenda item

Forward Work Programme


The following items were added to the existing Work Programme:


  • Health and Wellbeing Board, 2nd February 2012 (JW/TL )
  • Speedwell and Employment Services for People with Disabilities, June 2012 (MB)
  • Leisure Strategy, September/October 2012 (Also Neighbourhood Panel)  (AS)
  • Housing (NA)

·  Staff Appraisals- 17th January 2012 (KG)

·  Employment of Agency Staff, 17th January, 2012 (KG)

·  Capital Spending Programme- Autumn 2012(JE)

·  Indices of Deprivation in Slough, 17th January, 2012  (RB)

·  Procurement Practices (review of arrangements following recommendations by District Auditor within the Annual Audit Letter 2010/11 considered by Council. (JE)


Teresa Clark, Senior Democratic Services Officer, advised that there were now a significant number of items (more than 10) on the Programme for the January, 2012 meeting and suggested that the Committee review these. The Committee had agreed earlier in the year that the number of papers and subject matters considered at each meeting be reduced to 3 or 4 at most.  (This was in line with best practice and to ensure that focused consideration be given to each item.)


Members asked whether an additional meeting could be created in January to accommodate all of the items (or the items be spread over the following meetings). It was agreed that this would be discussed with the Scrutiny Officer and the Chair.

Supporting documents: