Agenda item

Matters Arising (other than those on the agenda)


Election of Chair


With full membership in attendance at this meeting members decided that the election of the Chair of the LAF be endorsed again at this meeting.  KW once again nominated DM as Chair; TE seconded and the motion was carried.



Start Time of Meetings


Members agreed that future meetings would start at 6pm.


Stoke Poges Lane – Elliman Avenue Junction   JW reported that the MOVA intelligent management system at this junction was planned initially but never installed due to financial constraints.  Members expressed their disappointment at this news.


Ditton Park Cycle Path update –JW advised that Anthony Hurst Principal Rights of Way Officer RBWM and Peter Challis Area Manager (Thames Valley) Sustrans have both been trying unsuccessfully to contact Julia Stacey of Computer Associates to arrange a meeting to discuss the ad hoc closure of the gates and the poor condition of the path surface on the Ditton Park Estate.


Anthony Hurst has also confirmed that planning contraventions on footpaths are generally left to him to deal with; though he would get input from the RBWM planners on this issue when a meeting is arranged.  Members agreed that more pressure needs to be put on CA Real Estate by Sustrans as they part funded the route. DM noted that this issue has been ongoing for some time now.


Resolved – JW would speak to Anthony Hurst RBWM and Peter Challis for an update and report back to members.


Update on path dedication in memory of Margery Hitchman


  The dedication of the Margery Hitchman circular path in the Nature reserve area of Herschel Park took place on 28th November 2011.  It was well attended with TE representing the LAF.  JW informed the group that the Slough Civic Society Newsletter contains an article about Margery.


  Resolved – Members requested that JW arrange for the dedication to be publicised, by asking Communications to issue a press release and that the family be asked first.


  Borderside to Shaggy Calf Lane – KW advised that a no cycling roundel is still in place at the Borderside end of this path.  JW would arrange for it to be removed.


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