Agenda item

Mallard Drive Development - footpath closures - link path and existing FP4c


JW drew members’ attention to the report on this agenda item; explaining the situation and the need to gather input from members about the residents’ petition request for closure of the existing public footpath 4C.  Members were told that the existing path was historically used as a short cut to the old school site, which is now the new development of Eagle Road/Swift Close.  TE stressed the need to see rights of way as the arteries of the town allowing people to move about and the need to demonstrate that the actual path is causing the anti-social behaviour. 


  Members considered the alternative routes available and discussions ensued about options for improving the existing paths; with closure seen as the last resort, this included the possibility of lighting them.  SR asked if there was a particular time of day the incidents were happening and wondered if the detached youth team could engage with the youths in this area.  He thought pedestrians often feel that gating cuts the options for short cuts. NH informed the meeting that she has been receiving constant complaints from residents since the development has become occupied and that the British Legion adjacent to the path has complained in the past; she emphasised that there is a convenient alternative route using rights of way nearby.


  Members felt a usage survey was necessary to establish actual legitimate use of the path and actual statistical evidence indicating that the path was causing the problems.  NH confirmed police and anti-social behaviour statistics and reports will be available soon.  DM requested that the Council’s response to the petition be sent to members.  TA suggested that a camera using an SD card and incorporating a light could be mounted in the path to measure usage dependent on a suitable power source.  The equipment was relatively cheap compared to CCTV and he would forward details to JW.  This item would remain on the agenda and an update be brought to the next meeting.


  Resolved – that actions are taken as detailed above including; a usage survey of the surrounding area and investigation into the feasibility of using the SD card camera. 


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