Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Strategy

To Follow.



a)  That the draft revenue & capital budget for 2012/13 and draft medium term financial strategy to 2015/16 be recommended to Council for adoption and approval on 21st February 2012.


b)  That the HRA borrowings relating to ending of Government subsidy are noted and recommended to Council for approval on 21st February 2012.


c)  That the senior officers pay policy is noted and recommended to Council for approval on 21st February 2012.


d)  The revised Debt management policy be noted and recommended to Council for approval on 21st February 2012.


e)  That the recommendations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted and that initiatives to offer discounts and maximise flexibility to individuals paying their Council Tax be explored.



The Cabinet considered the draft Budget/MTFS papers previously considered by the Cabinet on 12th December 2011 which reflected a cumulative deficit position of £2.2m across all years taking into account Cabinet decisions agreed. 


Officers had obtained further clarity on complex funding arrangements and resulting service pressures and the resulting position as set out in the report showed a balanced budget across all four coming years. 


In addition to the agenda papers the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee were tabled along with an updated capital programme 2012/13 to 2015/16.  The Director of Resources and Regeneration made a detailed presentation on the MTFS.  Cabinet members congratulated officers on the work that had been undertaken to present a balanced budget and noted that the adoption of a clear budget strategy had enabled the Cabinet to secure the successful achievement of manifesto commitments.  The Director confirmed that the fire and police precepts would be confirmed at the end of the week and any detailed amendments that were required as a result of these precepts would be tabled at the Council meeting. 


Members of the Cabinet asked a number of detailed questions about external and internal risks to the MTFS and measures in place to mitigate them. 


Members considered the following recommendations of Overview and Scrutiny Committee which had been tabled: 


(a)  That the Committee noted and endorsed the recommendations set out in the draft revenue & capital budget for 2012/13 and draft medium term financial strategy 2011/12 to 2015/16.


(b)  That Cabinet be requested to explore options regarding providing incentives / discount to individuals paying for their council tax bill by direct debit. 


Cabinet members indicated that they were happy to support the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and requested that officers consider using the freedoms afforded by the Localism Act to best effect to offer discounts and maximise flexibility to individuals paying their council tax.


Resolved –


(a)  That the draft revenue & capital budget for 2012/13 and draft medium term financial strategy to 2015/16 be recommended to Council for adoption and approval on 21st February 2012.


(b)  That the HRA borrowings relating to ending of Government subsidy are noted and recommended to Council for approval on 21st February 2012.


(c)  That the senior officers pay policy is noted and recommended to Council for approval on 21st February 2012.


(d)  The revised Debt management policy be noted and recommended to Council for approval on 21st February 2012.


(e)  That the recommendations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted and that initiatives to offer discounts and maximise flexibility to individuals paying their Council Tax be explored.

(f)  The revised Debt management policy be noted and recommended to Council for approval on 21st February 2012.


(g)  That the recommendations of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee be noted and that initiatives to offer discounts and maximise flexibility to individuals paying their Council Tax be explored.

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