Agenda item

National Health Service and Public Health Reform


Jane Wood, Strategic Director of Community and Wellbeing, introduced a report and presentation to update the Panel on the Public Health Service changes within the NHS which formed part of the Health and Social Care Bill currently being considered by Parliament. 


The Panel was reminded that the Bill had major implications for local health and in particular provided for the abolition of PCTs and the establishment of Clinical Commissioning Group (CCGs). It was  noted that the responsibility  for Public Health would be transferred to Local Government and that Councils would be required to establish Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs).  The role of the Secretary of State would change to one of strategic direction setting and holding the NHS to account and GPs would have responsibility for the commissioning of a wide range of health care services ( with some exceptions).  A new Commissioning Board would set health outcomes, allocate and account for NHS resources and also commission specific services.  It was highlighted that Strategic Health Authorities would be abolished from April 2002 and Primary Care Trusts from 2003. 


The Panel was advised that Public Health England (PHE) would be the National Public Health Service and Directors of Public Health (jointly appointed by Councils) and PHE would have a leading strategic role in discharging local authorities public health functions and advising CCGs in commissioning functions. The PHE would perform a monitoring function and allocate funding. It was noted that one year earlier, it was thought that funds would be allocated to Slough on  a needs basis but it was now known that funding would be allocated on a status quo basis.


The Strategic Director discussed public engagement and transparency and it was highlighted that the LINks and PALS organisations would be replaced by a new organisation commissioned by the Local Authority (operational in April 2013).  The Panel noted the responsibilities of the new HWBs which would have full public committee status.  The Terms of Reference of the HWB would be considered by Cabinet. It was highlighted that the Boards would have a duty to produce the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and shadow Boards would be in place from April 2012 to April 2013.  The Panel noted that the full membership of the HWB would include at least one Councillor, the Directors of Adult Services, Children’s Services and Public Services and a representative of each relevant CCG.  The Director discussed Slough’s HWB  and the relationship between the Board and the Scrutiny Panel.  It was not anticipated that the role of the Panel would change.


The Director recommended that the Panel invite the CCG to a future meeting of the Panel to discuss the work they were currently undertaking.


In the ensuing debate, the Director responded to a number of questions submitted by the Panel including the ability of the Council to deal with the changes in view of its current financial resources and whether Central Government would allocate funds.  The Panel was advised that it was not known at this stage what funding would be transferred to Slough but its needs were high. Representations had been made to the Department for Health setting out strong examples of Slough’s needs.


The Commissioner for Health and Wellbeing commented that the creation of the HWB was a radical change for Slough and it was important that the Panel played a key role in scrutinising the work of the Board and CCGs.


Members also questioned the ability of Slough BC to work together with other neighbouring authorities and the Director acknowledged that there were some synergies with West London Boroughs.  It was also noted that there would be some discussion around commissioning joint health provision with Reading BC.




(a)  That the Panel note the reforms and their implication for Slough and endorses the Terms of Reference of the Shadow Health and Well-Being Board that will be considered by Cabinet on 14th February. 


(b)  Requests Offices to provide a further report on the relationship between the Health and Well-Being Board and the Council’s Cabinet and Overview and Scrutiny Committee, once guidance is received from the Government. 

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