Agenda item

East Berkshire Mental Health Inpatient Services


Bev Searle, Director Joint Commissioning, NHS Berkshire and Charles Waddicor, Chief Executive, NHS Berkshire provided the Panel with an update regarding the provision of East Berkshire Mental Health Inpatient Services. 


At its meeting on 24th January 2012 the NHS Berkshire Trust Board had approved the implementation of option 1, i.e. the provision of all mental health hospital beds at Prospect Park Hospital (PPH) in Reading, which would result in the closure of all beds on the current three sites in East Berkshire.  It was highlighted that the decision had been influenced by comments received from a number of individuals including Health Scrutiny Panel Members and the importance of patient experience and outcome was at the forefront of the Board’s mind when the decision was reached.  It was noted that the issue had  been recently discussed at the Slough Shadow Health and Wellbeing Board. 


Members noted the update and raised a number of comments and questions in the ensuing debate including:


·  How was the patient experience measured?  Ms Searle advised that the question of patient experience was taken very seriously and she would be happy to include continued updates in future reports. 

·  A LINk representative commented that stakeholders were disappointed that their suggested options had not been explored properly e.g. the use of empty wards at Upton site.  Also who would oversee the transition period for patients – it was felt that this should be conducted by an independent organisation.  Ms Searle confirmed that specialist consultants had advised it was necessary to have a purpose built unit and the conversion of existing facilities would not provide satisfactory accommodation for mental health patients.  A representative from the clinical group federation would be appointed to ensure that the transition was carefully monitored.

·  The view was put forward that the outcome of the consultation was a foregone conclusion and had therefore been a waste of public time.  Mr Waddicor responded that at no time had the PCT held a fixed view in this matter and that the Panel had at various times drawn attention to their concerns which had been taken on board. It was highlighted that specialist clinicians and all three CCGs in East Berkshire had supported the case for change.  Mr Waddicor confirmed that Prospect Park Hospital (PPH) was purpose built for mental health provision and clinicians had focused on the best interest of patients at all times. 

·  Members questioned the provision of £100K which had been set aside for transport. Ms Searle advised that this recurrent funding would be incorporated into contractual arrangements. She advised that at this stage it was difficult to assess what the demand for support would be but the importance of transport provision was accepted.

·  In response to a further concern regarding the adaptation of existing accommodation, Ms Searle advised that when consulted patients had consistently indicated that they would prefer their own bathroom facilities.  She had recently visited PPH and spoke to a number of patients who confirmed that they felt safer at night in their own private room and although there was some concern that transport issues were challenging for visitors this was outweighed by the provision of quality accommodation.

·  A Member asked if the £100k available for transport was ring fenced and whether it would be linked to inflation.  Ms Searle confirmed that the £100k was available to ensure that patients could receive visitors from family and carers and would possibly include a scheme for fuel reimbursements.  Individual circumstances would be considered and Mr Waddicor confirmed that although a bespoke transport service would be provided, this would not be a regular bus service.  It was agreed that the subject of transport to PPH would be considered at the Panel’s next meeting within an update report.


The Panel once again expressed its concern at the decision which had been taken regarding the transfer of mental health inpatient beds to PPH. It was moved and seconded that the Panel’s concerns regarding the Trust’s decision to relocate East Berkshire Mental Health in patients services should be forwarded to Secretary of State. 


Resolved –


(a)  That the Panel’s concerns regarding the decision to relocate East Berkshire Mental Health in patients services to Prospect Park Hospital be referred to the Secretary of State subject to the findings of the Scrutiny Officer on the process and requirements for referral both internally and by the Department of Health; and

(b)  That an update on the current position including the Transport scheme be considered at the next meeting of the Panel. 




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