Agenda item

Stroke Services in Slough-Presentation by Dr McGlynn


Dr Jackie McGlynn made a presentation to the Panel providing an update on Stroke Services in Slough.  Dr McGlynn reminded the Panel that a joint service had been set up between Buckinghamshire Hospitals and Heatherwood and Wexham Park on 1st June, 2011 to provide 24/7 care for the provision of thrombolysis. The Panel was advised that a Hyperacute trained stroke physician was available to make the decision as to whether to thrombolyse the patient.  Once the acute phase was over the patient could be transferred to the Acute Stroke Unit at Wexham Park Hospital where an acute stroke service was available. Admissions to the Acute Stroke Unit were seen by a Consultant within 24 hours and continuous monitoring of patients was available where clinically appropriate. 


Dr McGlynn was pleased to advise that this year, 100% of patients arriving at the Hyperacute Stroke Unit in High Wycombe Hospital had been treated within 24 hours. 


In response to a number of questions Dr McGlynn advised that the vast majority of patients arrived at High Wycombe Hospital through a ambulance 999 call although sometimes the patient had gone to Accident and Emergency and was then transferred to High Wycombe ( if this could be done within 3 hours).  Dr McGlynn confirmed that stroke beds were ring fenced and kept exclusively for stroke patients.  In response to a further question, Dr McGlynn confirmed that liaison with adult social services was the next challenge and it was felt that this was not as it could be at present.  It was clear that the hospital had more success in discharging patients from hospital in some areas than others and a peer review was underway.  It was also confirmed that preventative measures were available to patients through GP practices and ongoing health work. 


Resolved  That the Panel thank Dr McGlynn for her presentation and congratulate NHS Berkshire on its success in the area of Hyperacute Stroke Services.