Agenda item

Internal Audit Plan 2011/12 - Quarter 4 (RSM Tenon)


The Committee received a report from the newly appointed Head of Internal Audit on the Internal Audit Plan 2011/12 – Quarter 4. The plan had been developed through consideration of the audit plan for 2010/11 and audits delivered by Deloitte for the current financial year. Discussions had also been held with officers regarding the proposed areas of coverage for the period. It was also confirmed that scoping meetings with members of staff had already been arranged and fieldwork would commence on 10th February.


The key risks which were identified in this process would be discussed with the Senior Management Group and a report would be prepared for the Audit Committee. It was also proposed that there be a link between the Strategic Plan and the Strategic Risk Register in areas where senior officers sought assurances. The Strategic Director of Resources commented that there was a concentration of activity in Quarter 4 as there had been significant slippage in the number of days by the outgoing auditors. Members were assured that this would improve in the new arrangements, but stressed that this would result in a greater number of recommendations as audit opinions would become more challenging.


It was emphasised to the Committee that RSM Tenon were interested in which areas Members required assurance and it was suggested that a meeting could be held prior to the finalisation of the audit plan. The Chair commented that guidance from the Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy stated that it was good practice for Audit Committees to hold periodic private discussions with internal auditors. The Strategic Director of Resources confirmed that the internal audit plan would be presented at the next meeting of the Audit Committee in March.


Resolved:- That the Internal Audit Plan 2011/12 – Quarter 4 be noted.

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