Agenda item

Internal Audit Plan - Third Quarter 2011/2012 Progress (Deloitte)


The Committee received a report on the Internal Audit Third Quarter 2011/12 Progress. The report summarised the Internal Audit activity covering that period. Members were informed that eleven (34%) Internal Audit reports had been issued as final reports and eighteen (56%) reports were in draft format and awaiting finalisation. The audit fieldwork had been completed for the remaining three audits. Also, 70% of audits had been deferred to Quarter 4.


In the ensuing discussion, the Chair queried the wording of the management responses to the recommendations in the Summary of Finalised Reports. It was noted that in cases this was ambiguous and future reports would be amended. A Member requested further information about the recommendation that Slough Enterprise undertake an exercise to obtain and provide benchmarking statistics against other authorities. It was agreed that this information would be circulated to Members. The Committee was also updated on the Asset Inventory. It was confirmed by officers that the Authority had the financial records to support inventory, though IT assets were not as easy to record and this was an area which would be investigated further


The Committee placed on record its thanks to the outgoing Internal Auditors, Deloitte, for their services to the Authority.


Resolved:- That the Internal Audit Third Quarter 2011/12 Progress report be noted.

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