Agenda item

NASACRE - verbal update - Jo Fageant


The Chair updated the committee on the recent meetings held by National Association of SACREs (NASACRE). The Chair informed the Committee that she would be appointed Secretary of NASACRE in the coming months.


The main areas of discussion held by NASACRE was concern over the relationship between SACREs and schools with Academy status, which do not have to follow the locally agreed RE syllabus. The Department for Education had written to the RE Council reiterating their view that RE would remain a locally determined issue and thus determined by the Local Authority or School themselves. It had been suggested by NASACRE that schools with Academy status, such as those in Slough, should be supported by the respective SACREs in the local area.


It was queried whether RE would be included in the English Baccalaureate. It was noted that RE had not been considered a central subject for inclusion, though schools could elect to choose RE as part of the qualification.


Resolved – That the verbal update be noted.