Agenda item

Localism Act 2011


Tracy Luck, Head of Strategy Policy and Communications, introduced a report on the Localism Act 2011 and provided an update on the progress made in implementing required actions.


The Officer discussed the relationship between the Council’s Sustainable Community Strategy and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.  The Committee noted the implications for a number of areas, including governance, pay policy, the community right to challenge and various planning matters.


The Committee noted that the government would publish a full implementation timetable in the near future but it was expected that the majority of the key elements in the Act would come into force in 2012.  It was highlighted that the Corporate Management Team had already identified a number of key policy areas for initial examination and lead Officers had been identified. 


The Committee was advised by Officers in attendance that the Act incorporated significant changes to the Business Rate and Council Tax system, and modelling had already started on this.  Members were also advised that where a Neighbourhood Forum was established it would be allowed to develop a Neighbourhood Development Plan. It was also highlighted that the Act made provision for Neighbourhood Development Orders to allow communities to approve development without requiring normal planning consent. The introduction of Community Right to Build orders would empower local communities to take forward developments in their area without the need to apply for planning permission where there was overwhelming local support for development (subject to certain conditions).  The Committee was advised that a report on these issues would be submitted to the Planning Committee. 


In the ensuing debate a Member questioned the extent to which the information in the report had been made available to other Members.  It was confirmed that the report had been published and that the Committee may wish to bring particular aspects of the report back for further scrutiny.  A Member suggested that it would be helpful if a timeline of events setting out stages of the Localism Act were submitted to the Committee and it was agreed that a briefing for members would be arranged incorporating the respective timelines.  The Committee also requested that a report on the planning aspects of the Act be referred to the Committee prior to consideration by Planning Committee.  A Member also requested that the new housing allocations policy being development for adoption by Cabinet in the coming months be considered by the Committee at a future meeting. It was agreed that this would be referred to the Neighbourhoods and Community Services Scrutiny Panel.


Resolved  -


(a)  That the current position be noted and a briefing be arranged for the Committee detailing the timelines of the Localism Act.


(b)  That a report on the planning aspects of the Act be referred to the Committee prior to consideration by the Planning Committee.


(c)  That the Committee consider the new housing allocations policy prior to its adoption by Cabinet.

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