Agenda item

Highway Changes in Chalvey


a)  Work with the local community to finalise the design of the permanent solution;


b)  Consider lowering the classification of the roads through Chalvey;


c)  Review direction signage in and around Chalvey to discourage through traffic;


d)  Review the pedestrian crossing points of all arms of the junction underneath the railway bridge, especially Ledgers Road, to ensure adequate visibility and promote safety of pedestrians;


e)  Introduce a 20mph zone covering Chalvey Road West, Chalvey Road East, Ledgers Road (and its side roads), Montem Lane (and its side roads), Ragstone Road, Martin Road, College Avenue, The Crescent, and King’s Road;


f)  Review the pedestrian crossing on the road hump between Alexandra Place and King Edward Street, to improve visibility and also consider installing a Zebra Crossing at this location;


g)  Review the junction of High Street, Chalvey Road West and Church Street to clarify who has priority, and to assist right turns from High Street into Chalvey Road West;


h)  Retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


i)  Retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


j)  Provide traffic calming to slow traffic;


k)  Review the design of the junction with Montem Lane;


l)  Extend the double yellow line across the front gate of the Methodist Church, to provide access for funeral vehicles, and at the same time extend the parking bay on the western side of Ledgers Road northwards by an equivalent distance, so there is no net reduction in parking for residents;


m)  Provide as much formal parking as feasible for the benefit of local residents;


n)  Review the southern entrance to Hillside with a view to introducing additional parking;


o)  Retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


p)  Review the junctions with Martin Road, College Avenue and King’s Road and in particular which road should have priority at these junctions;


q)  Review traffic calming and remove the crooked speed cushions;

r)  Reverse the one-way operation of College Avenue and Martin Road to improve access to College Avenue, Martin Road, and the northern end of Ragstone Road, and also to resolve concerns over visibility at the junction of Martin Road with Chalvey Road East;


s)  Provide as much formal parking as feasible for the benefit of local residents;


t)  Retain two-way access to Kings Road and the three places of worship, and ensure the detailed design does not interfere with access to the three places of worship;


u)  Retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


v)  That a viability and impact assessment study be undertaken to:


(i) consider the impact of the temporary traffic management measures implemented within Chalvey on bus services in Chalvey and Cippenham; and


(ii) to investigate options and their potential implications, to enhance and improve the penetration of bus services serving Chalvey, Cippenham and the wider area, including the restoration of the bus network pre-November 2011; and


w)   That a feasibility study on construction of a new north and south access road for buses, pedestrians and cyclists, between the eastern-most entrance to the Montem sports centre car park and Newbury way be undertaken, subject to the decision on a LABV, due in September.

x)  That the Council support businesses within Chalvey to appeal their rateable value through the local valuation office to identify whether changes made in Chalvey have materially affected business located there.



The Cabinet considered a report detailing the results of the recent consultation on the experimental highway changes in Chalvey that were completed in February 2012.  The Cabinet was requested to make a decision as to whether the making of permanent traffic regulations orders should be undertaken or if existing residential orders should be rescinded.  Commissioners were advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Committees meeting of 10 July 2012 had considered the report and resolved:


(a)   That the traffic system in Ragstone Road remain one-way and that conditions 25 to 30 set out in paragraph 2 of the report be implemented, with the addition of improved signage.

(b)  That the traffic system in Ledgers Road remain one-way and that conditions 16 to 21 set out in paragraph 2 of the report be implemented.

(c)  That the traffic system in Chalvey Road East remain one-way, that conditions 12 to 13 set out in paragraph 2 of the report be implemented, and that the Council explore subsidy options and other measures to improve the provision of bus services in the road.

(d)  That the Council undertake a further study of the impact of Chalvey Road West returning to two-way operation (in conjunction with the other roads remaining one-way) before making a final decision on the future of Chalvey Road West.

(e)  That the Council undertake conditions 1 to 5 set out in paragraph 2 of the report in implementing any final solutions.


Councillor Sharif, a Chalvey Ward Member had been unable to be present and his views were circulated at the meeting.


The Cabinet was reminded that the experimental measures had been implemented as a result of consultation with residents of Chalvey in 2009 during which the top three priorities identified by respondents were; better parking for residents and local shoppers; improvements to the look of street and open places; and changes to roads to deter rat running and reduce accidents.  The catchment area for the consultation included the area between the M4, A4, Tuns Lane and Windsor Road, which was that most affected by the experimental measures.


The report set out the history of the project, the experimental measures that has been implemented, public engagement, consultation results and petitions received.  Members were advised that the response for the Chalvey Roads public consultation had been one of the latest responses to any similar consultation and the strong feelings from both supporters and opponents of he experimental measures was reflected in the comments and correspondence.


The questionnaire responses did not provide a clear steer for a straightforward decision based on the community’s preference.  Whilst there was reoccurring themes in the responses it was for the Cabinet to weigh up the feedback received and decide which element of the experimental  measures to make permanent and which roads should return to two way operation.


Te Commissioner for Neighbourhoods and Renewal drew attention to the comprehensive consultation that had been undertaken, seeking residents view as to which of the changes they supported and thought were genuine improvements and which parts of the scheme they disliked.  It was important that the Cabinet used the top three priorities identified during the 2009 consultation as key drivers.  Members of the Cabinet discussed the responses to the consultation, particularly the responses of the emergency services and schools.  It was noted that the supply of parking and loss of bus services within the area remained an issue.


The Commissioner for Neighbourhoods and renewal drew attention to the petition submitted by the Council by Mr Heer which was signed by [INSERT] and was opposed to the new road layouts and one way system.  It was noted that over 10% of the petition were from outside of the borough and over 60% from outside of the Chalvey ward.


The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee addressed the Cabinet and spoke if the Committees recommendations.  The Committee had felt strongly that further work was needed as the consultations were inconclusive and had recommended that a further study of Chalvey Road West returning to 2 way operation be carried out.  Commissioners were concerned that the ‘rat running’ that the Council was seeking to reduce would return.  The Vice Chair of the Committee advised that the Committee had been particularly concerned about the effects of the proposals on business viability.


In addition to a number of adjustments to the layout in order to ensure that the road ran safely and efficiently, the Cabinet acknowledge that the new road layouts had resulted in a loss of bus services within the area and agreed to fully investigate the potential to improve the penetration of bus services serving Chalvey, Cippenham and the wider area.  In addition the Cabinet noted concerns of the local businesses and agreed to support businesses within Chalvey to appeal their rateable value through the local valuation office to identify whether changes made in Chalvey had materially affected business located there.

In summing up the debate the chair emphasised that through the consultation the Council had sought to work with Chalvey residents to deliver a way forward that was supported by the majority and which met the top three priorities from the original 2009 consultation.  It was resolved and agreed unanimously:




a)  To work with the local community to finalise the design of the permanent solution;


b)  To consider lowering the classification of the roads through Chalvey;


c)  To review direction signage in and around Chalvey to discourage through traffic;


d)  To review the pedestrian crossing points of all arms of the junction underneath the railway bridge, especially Ledgers Road, to ensure adequate visibility and promote safety of pedestrians;


e)  To introduce a 20mph zone covering Chalvey Road West, Chalvey Road East, Ledgers Road (and its side roads), Montem Lane (and its side roads), Ragstone Road, Martin Road, College Avenue, The Crescent, and King’s Road;


f)  To review the pedestrian crossing on the road hump between Alexandra Place and King Edward Street, to improve visibility and also consider installing a Zebra Crossing at this location;


g)  To review the junction of High Street, Chalvey Road West and Church Street to clarify who has priority, and to assist right turns from High Street into Chalvey Road West;


h)  To retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


i)  To retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


j)  To provide traffic calming to slow traffic;


k)  To review the design of the junction with Montem Lane;


l)  To extend the double yellow line across the front gate of the Methodist Church, to provide access for funeral vehicles, and at the same time extend the parking bay on the western side of Ledgers Road northwards by an equivalent distance, so there is no net reduction in parking for residents;


m)  To provide as much formal parking as feasible for the benefit of local residents;


n)  To review the southern entrance to Hillside with a view to introducing additional parking;


o)  To retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


p)  To review the junctions with Martin Road, College Avenue and King’s Road and in particular which road should have priority at these junctions;


q)  To review traffic calming and remove the crooked speed cushions;


r)  To reverse the one-way operation of College Avenue and Martin Road to improve access to College Avenue, Martin Road, and the northern end of Ragstone Road, and also to resolve concerns over visibility at the junction of Martin Road with Chalvey Road East;


s)  To provide as much formal parking as feasible for the benefit of local residents;


t)  To retain two-way access to Kings Road and the three places of worship, and ensure the detailed design does not interfere with access to the three places of worship;


u)  To retain cycle contra-flow, but review the design to improve compliance and safety for cyclists, for example provision of coloured surfacing;


v)  To undertake a viability and impact assessment study to:


(i)   consider the impact of the temporary traffic management measures implemented within Chalvey on bus services in Chalvey and Cippenham; and


(ii)   to investigate options and their potential implications, to enhance and improve the penetration of bus services serving Chalvey, Cippenham and the wider area, including the restoration of the bus network pre-November 2011; and


w)   That a feasibility study on construction of a new north and south access road for buses, pedestrians and cyclists, between the eastern-most entrance to the Montem sports centre car park and Newbury way be undertaken, subject to the decision on a LABV, due in September.


x)  That the Council support businesses within Chalvey to appeal their rateable value through the local valuation office to identify whether changes made in Chalvey have materially affected business located there.


  Councillor Pantelic left the meeting.

Supporting documents: