Agenda item

Project to Establish the Actual Cost of Care Relating to Registered Care Services for Service Users of Adult Social Care placed in Slough and Outside of the Borough


(a)  That the “floor” and “ceiling” usual costs of residential care, residential dementia care, nursing care and nursing dementia care be approved as outlined in the report. These are:

Floor  Ceiling

Residential Care  £466.40  £541.40

Residential Dementia  £583.14  £658.14

Nursing Care  £599.72  £674.72

Nursing Dementia  £609.72  £684.72


(b)  That the total cost of the fee increases of £468,900 be approved as outlined in the report and as follows:


1.  Increases agreed for physically frail / dementia clients with residential and nursing homes in Slough - £71,100

2.  Increases agreed / likely to be agreed for physically frail / dementia clients with residential and nursing homes out of borough - £47,800

3.  Increases agreed / likely to be agreed for clients with a learning disability, physical disability or mental illness - £350,000.


(c)  That work proceeds with the providers to develop the quality standards to be achieved.


The Cabinet was presented with the fee proposals for 2012/13 based upon the actual cost of care relating to Registered Care Services for users of Adult Social Care placed within Slough and outside the borough.  In order to set the ‘usual costs of care’ rates, the Council had undertaken a detailed consultation and information gathering exercise with all residential and nursing care providers in Slough and the responses were set out in the report.  The Council had not received any response or cost information with regard to residential care and the proposals were therefore  based upon examination of what the Council currently paid.  Expert advice provided by Ernst and Young had fully supported the approach taken by officers.


Resolved: -


(a)  That the “floor” and “ceiling” usual costs of residential care, residential dementia care, nursing care and nursing dementia care be approved as outlined in the report. These are:

Floor  Ceiling

Residential Care  £466.40  £541.40

Residential Dementia  £583.14  £658.14

Nursing Care  £599.72  £674.72

Nursing Dementia  £609.72  £684.72


(b)  That the total cost of the fee increases of £468,900 be approved as outlined in the report and as follows:


1.  Increases agreed for physically frail / dementia clients with residential and nursing homes in Slough - £71,100

2.  Increases agreed / likely to be agreed for physically frail / dementia clients with residential and nursing homes out of borough - £47,800

3.  Increases agreed / likely to be agreed for clients with a learning disability, physical disability or mental illness - £350,000.


(c)  That work proceeds with the providers to develop the quality standards to be achieved.

Supporting documents: