Agenda item

Gating Orders

- Rossiter Close – Esther Deacon

- Usage survey results


Target:  what is LAF consensus on Rossiter Close proposal?


JW tabled report explaining the Council’s new more direct approach to Gating proposals.  Essentially each case is looked at individually at a regular Gating Case Review meeting and crime/asb statistical evidence is still required in order to proceed.  Alternative solutions to try to alleviate crime/asb levels are always considered in the first instance.


Rossiter Close alleyway – ED of community safety presented members with the case for closure of this adopted highway footpath.  The level of reports of asb in the alleyway which runs directly underneath two bedrooms is viewed as sufficient in such an extraordinary circumstance for the Council to propose proceeding with a Gating Order consultation.  Furthermore the alternative route is not viewed as unreasonable. 


ED made it clear that all the asb reports being taken into account specifically mention the alleyway being a problem.  TE asked if there is any usage data for the path, but ED replied it was thought unnecessary to do a count as its known the path is well used.  This case is seen as exceptional due to being under actual houses and due to the alternative route being almost equal in distance to the alleyway. 


The question of youth engagement was discussed and suggestions were made to have the alleyway narrowed and sound proofed, rather than gated to make it less attractive for loitering.  DM thought this wouldn’t be adequate to solve the problems and may even make the situation worse. Also services situated within the alleyway would still need to be accessed.  The Youth Bus attends the area once a week and ED stated that Community Safety is working with Youth Services.  The nature of the asb is heightened due to the unique build over.  WS and TE wanted a compromise rather than see a path being closed off completely.  Overall no consensus was reached among members with some members feeling the exceptional nature of this alleyway justifies the action being proposed and others not sanctioning closure. 


Resolved - members would respond to the formal Gating consultation for Rossiter Close when received, though no consensus was reached on this occasion.


Birch Grove cut through – this is an informal consultation about a private cut through between the flats at the end of Furnival Avenue into Birch Grove and so does not require a Gating Order.  The proposal is to fence off the cut through and have a gate which is open during the day to allow pedestrian access.  Local residents and users of the path have been consulted and the majority are in favour of having a gate of some kind.  This is to be a pilot project similar to the Granville Ave gating project.  DM noted that the alternative route is long and inconvenient in this case.  JW added that there is also a route alongside the Housing Association flats through to Northborough Estate along the north side of the Stirling Trading Estate that is included in this proposal.


Resolved – In order to give a consensus view about this proposal, members considered that a site visit is required. JW to send invite to members to visit the site to assess the situation.


JW tabled usage survey results and members noted the levels of usage on footpath 4c between Mallard Drive and Brook Path.  Members were happy with the way the usage data was presented.


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