Agenda item



A leaflet showing access routes in and around Cippenham is being planned and JW suggested it may be a good mechanism for promoting the LAF.  Further details would be brought to future meetings.

JW asked members to look at the LAF web pages and let her know of any changes they would like to make or new items they would like included.


JW informed members about a path which runs between Kendal Close which leads through to the canal basin.  The path suffers from anti-social behaviour and graffiti and is currently controlled by the Housing dept.  It is on the list of outstanding claims for public rights of way and so a request would need to be made to Housing to dedicate the route as a public right of way.  Members were happy to support any new public right of way coming into existence. 


Resolved – JW would forward a map of the Kendal Close path and bring a review of the Slough Arm of the Canal to the next meeting including updates on how British Waterways are viewing it now strategically and the current status of plans for the regeneration of the Slough Basin.