Agenda item

Budget update


Jo Fageant advised that the outstanding budget was £1660.  Of this amount there would be an invoice for £1250 for 50 copies of the RE Syllabus document which cost £25 per copy-check this –is £24 in RBWM’s  minutes. There was also an outstanding amount of £204 for the contribution to the design work. It was suggested that The RBWM invoice half Jo Fageant’s fee as they had funded all of the venue and other costs. This would result in a budget balance of £6.


The Committee was advised that Linda’s school- Montem Primary, has £1483 in the budget which was a residue of the RE Centre funds. It was noted that RBWM had scheduled training days for teachers and Jo Fageant asked the Committee to consider whether RBWM could be allowed to make a claim against this budget to fund the twilight meetings which were budget related in order that Slough teachers can legitimately be invited to these meetings.


The Committee agree in principle that RBWM could make a maximum claim of £200 for the next twilight meeting and Jo Fageant would sort out the detail. 


ACTION  -  Jo Fageant


The Committee requested that dates of the twilight meetings would be obtained and circulated to Members. 


ACTION  -  Jo Fageant to provide for Teresa Clark to circulate.


Lynda Bussley commented that she had never seen the Budget amount of £1600 identified in the school budget and asked what the budget would be for the following year.  It was agreed that this information would be provided in the letter that Jo Fageant would prepare.


ACTION  -   Jo Fageant