Agenda item

Matters Arising (if not on agenda)


Ditton Park Cycle Path update – JW explained there has been no response to the joint LAF letter to CA Technologies and asked members how they want to proceed.  She suggested a site visit would be useful to check if the promised surface repairs have been done.  WS thought a site visit followed by a visit to CA Technologies offices to actually speak to someone would be effective.


JW offered to speak to planning enforcement at SBC and also to the LAF contact at Natural England to get advice on enforcement action for non-compliance with S106 agreements.  However, it was noted that the route and therefore the agreement are with RBWM so JW agreed to contact Anthony Hurst RBWM and Peter Challis Sustrans for a joint approach.


There was general agreement that the matter should not be dropped and new ways to resolve the matter should be tried.  WS suggested a meeting with RBWM LAF chair to keep them updated on this issue.


Resolved – JW to contact Angela Hennell at NE to get advice on how the LAF can deal with a cross boundary issue like this and arrange a meeting of DM with the RBWM LAF chair.


Update on BHS request for additional equestrian access along Jubilee River -


RBWM Rights of Way team have re-contacted Eton College as the previous contact had moved on.  Changes in the route have also meant re-contacting the EA and tenant farmers to gain their approval again.  Signs are still to be organised. 


DM felt that the Jubilee River and all the issues pertaining to it ought to be looked at more closely by the LAF including; access problems, lighting, barriers, car park issues, recreational potential, promotion, management and water sports facilities.  He proposed that it be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.


Some discussion about the suitability of the barriers along the Jubilee River took place with some members feeling that K barriers ought to replace the existing barriers.  JW stated that the main cycle way along the Jubilee River in Slough has been re-surfaced since the summer.


Resolved – to keep this issue on the agenda for updates. That Jubilee River as a whole is placed on the next agenda.