Agenda item

Finance and Performance Report: Quarter 3 2013/14


The Committee considered a report setting out the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management up to and including December 2013.


The Council was forecasting an underspend of £0.003m as at month 9, as a result of an in-year savings initiative conducted over recent months to bring the budget back into balance.  The breakeven position reflected the position where overspends in individual budgets (notably Children and Families) had been matched by underspends or savings in other areas.  The Council had spent 28% of its available 2014/15 capital budget in the first 9 months of the year but the projected outturn was £44.4m or 68% of budget.


The latest position for the Council’s balanced scorecard showed that 79% of the RAG rated performance indicators were at green, with a further 17% at amber.  The key concern remained the number of children subject to Child Protection Plans.  The number requiring this level of protection continued to increase and exceeded the planned level.  The performance against each indicator was detailed in Appendix C.  Appendix D (an updated version of which was tabled) contained details of performance against six Gold projects, of which three were green and three were amber.  


Arising from Members questions:

  • The School Places Programme Gold Project was taking a long term strategic approach  to ensure all Slough children and young people secure a school place to 2021.  Sufficient places for all children currently existed in 2014 and 2015; it was from 2016 that additional must be provided.  It was agreed that Members be circulated with a copy of the School Places report considered at the meeting of the Education and Children’s Services Panel on 5th December 2013.
  • Members were surprised to note the indicator showing the number of Freedom of Information (FoI) requests made by people who had made at least one previous FoI application.  It was recognised that the Council could not decline responding to FoI applications.
  • Whilst the Government had published proposals about free early education for 2 year olds, full details of how and when this would be taken forward were still awaited.
  • The high value of write-offs submitted for approval comprised in large part the NNDR that could not be collected from businesses which had failed.  A collection rate of 98% (for Council Tax and NNDR) had been set for the coming year, based on work with Arvato to maximise collections from taxpayers and business ratepayers.
  • A suggestion was made that the provision of social housing was of sufficient priority to warrant inclusion as a Council Gold Project.  It was noted that Housing Services were currently scoping a new Housing Investment Programme and the suggestion would be referred to CMT for consideration.


Resolved - 

(a)  That the latest forecast financial information for the 2013/14 financial year; the Council’s performance against the balanced scorecard indicators; and the Council’s performance on ‘Gold’ projects during 2013/14 be noted.

(b)  That the recommendation to Cabinet for approval of the write-offs detailed in the report be noted.

Supporting documents: