Agenda item

Leisure Strategy


a)  That the report be noted.


b)  That a Leisure Strategy member/officer task and finish working group be set up and that the Commissioners for Community & Leisure and Neighbourhoods & Renewal join that group.


The Strategic Director Regeneration, Housing & Resources introduced a report which set out the strategic background and key considerations of the development of the strategy for leisure provision in Slough.


The Cabinet were informed that since the overall approach to leisure and physical activity was agreed in September 2013, a significant amount of work had been undertaken which had mainly focused on the provision of buildings to achieve the outcomes in the broader leisure strategy.  Further review and detailed information on the costs of the previously agreed approach had led to the need to change the approach.  It was proposed that a Member/Officer Task and Finish Working Group be set up to review the evidence and options for leisure provision and bring a further report to the Cabinet in summer 2014.  The group would take a structured approach and would consider the evidence base on health and physical activity in Slough; a complete understanding of the facilities available for leisure in the Borough including parks, private provision and schools; and further work to increase market understanding and alternative models of delivery adopted by other councils.


The Cabinet agreed to the proposed approach to take forward the leisure strategy and nominated the Commissioners for Community & Leisure and Neighbourhoods & Renewal to join the task and finish group.


Resolved –


a)  That the report be noted.


b)  That a Leisure Strategy member/officer task and finish working group be set up and that the Commissioners for Community & Leisure and Neighbourhoods & Renewal join that group.

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