Agenda item

Matters Arising (other than those on the agenda)


Ditton Park Cycle Path update –


JW tabled the report updating members on recent positive developments.  She explained that Peter Challis (Sustrans), Anthony Hurst (RBWM PRoW) and Jacqui Wheeler (SBC PRoW) had met with Lisa Gilbert, newly appointed Facilities Co-ordinator for CA Technologies and Jim Barry VP of Facilities for CA Technologies.  Issues discussed are detailed in the report contained with the LAF papers.  Briefly though; CA has agreed to draw up a draft action plan including a scope of works for repairs/maintenance of the path over a rolling period.  The worst areas identified as the flooding path towards Majors Farm Road and the path across North field would be prioritised.  CA also agreed to alter the signage on the gates to show summer opening times to come in line with public expectations and comply with the planning agreement.


AD made it clear that it is CA’s obligation to provide a path which is suitable for walkers and cyclists not a choice.  WS mentioned that CA has a pro-environment policy which could mean they may be reluctant about putting in a sealed path surface as requested by Sustrans, Peter Challis.  A sealed surface would mean greater initial outlay with a lower long term maintenance cost than an unsealed surface.  However all agreed that surface type was an issue for CA to decide, as long as it resulted in an effective repair of the path.


CA agreed they would give the 21 days’ notice required in the event of a planned closure by emailing PC, AH and JW and as much notice as possible for an emergency closure.


AD thought it needs to be made clear that CA has signed up to the S106 and that their obligations are clear under that agreement.  They need to put a maintenance regime in place to ensure the path doesn’t deteriorate after repairs are made. 


DM thought it unwise for the LAF’s to relax the pressure until the action plan has been seen and all agreed that a timescale for the works must be provided.  All in all good progress has been made in building a positive relationship with CA in the light of previous setbacks.


Resolved – JW would continue liaising with AH and PC on this issue and would circulate the draft action plan as soon as it’s provided by CA Technologies.


Update on Multi-user Route Trial along the Jubilee River -


Originating with the RBWM LAF, JW tabled the finalised route and signage that would be placed along the route.  The small section in Slough runs along the Jubilee River from Wood Lane to the Slough Road.  The trial would run from May 2103 to May 2014 and be reviewed at the end of that time.


RR confirmed there had been a press release and the signage is up along the route with the EA having consented to a couple of mounting blocks to aid horse riders.


Members queried the width of the path, which is 3 metres of surfaced path with grass verges in most places. 


JW mentioned that SBC has recently surfaced the main cycleway along the Jubilee River, part of which will be used for this trial, so it will be interesting to monitor what effect the horse riding use will have.  A discussion followed about conflicts between different types of users and considerate behaviour that is expected eg; cyclists using a warning bell. 


Resolved – to keep this issue on the agenda for updates.


Chalvey Road West –request from LAF to relocate disabled parking bay –


JW confirmed this issue has been forwarded to the relevant officer in the Parking team and is awaiting a response.



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