Agenda item

Flood Management Update


(a)  That the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2012 be approved and adopted.


(b)  That the Surface Water Management Plan 2012 be approved and adopted.


(c)  That the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2013 be approved and adopted.


The Commissioner for Neighbourhoods and Renewal and Head of Highways Engineering introduced a report which updated Members on flood management in Slough and sought approval to adopt the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2012, the Surface Water Management Plan 2012 and the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2013.


The Council took on various duties, responsibilities and powers as a Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) under the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010 which arose out of the Pitt Review 2008 following the 2007 floods across significant parts of the country.  The Cabinet were informed of the various flood management strategies, plans and documents which provided the future direction for the Council in discharging its responsibilities and were asked to adopt some of these documents.  The Cabinet were also updated on the progress of two key projects, the Slough Flood Alleviation Scheme to tackle fluvial and surface water flooding, and the Community Pathfinder Project for which the Council had successfully bid to DEFRA for £253,000 to engage with communities in Chalvey, Manor Park and Upton Lea on flood risk issues.


Members were advised that the final enactment of the FWMA related to Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and it was anticipated that the Council would need to establish a SuDS Approval Board (SAB) by April 2014.  The SAB would be responsible for the approval of proposed SuDS/drainage systems in new developments or redevelopments.  Members asked a number of questions about how this process would work and how it would be coordinated with planning to ensure developments were not unduly delayed.  It was confirmed by officers that SAB approval was separate from planning but that the timescales were similar and they were working closely with planning officers to implement the system in a coordinated way.


The Cabinet discussed a number of other issues including the practical ways in which the Community Pathfinder Project was engaging with residents; the measures being undertaken to reduce the risk of surface water flooding; and the current emergency planning arrangements.  After considering the summary documents, the Cabinet agreed to approve and adopt relevant plans and strategies as circulated in the appendices.


Resolved –


(a)  That the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment 2012 be approved and adopted.


(b)  That the Surface Water Management Plan 2012 be approved and adopted.


(c)  That the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2013 be approved and adopted.

Supporting documents: