Agenda item

Chalvey Regeneration Strategy Update


(a)  That the proposals to take proactive steps to bring forward the development of the former petrol station site be approved.


(b)  That it be noted that following discussions with the CCG and local GPs, a local GP is using private finance to acquire the former Scottish and Southern Electricity (SSE) site to introduce an integrated health facility. 


(c)  That the possibility to enter into a partnership to improve housing choice in Chalvey linked to the former SSE depot site be noted.


(d)  That it be noted that the changing rooms will be completed by July 2014.


(e)  That it be noted that subject to there being no planning issues, the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) will be completed by June 2014.


(f)  That the Director, Regeneration, Housing and Resources be authorised to take all necessary steps to secure the making, submission, confirmation and implementation of the CPO of the third party land at the Former Cross Keys Public House and other land required to deliver the Chalvey Regeneration Strategy (and where appropriate amendments to the Order) including;


·  Publication and service of all notices

·  Advertise the Order and submit it to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.

·  Negotiation with landowners.

·  Setting out the terms for the withdrawal of objections to the CPO.

·  Where appropriate, seeking exclusions of land from the CPO

·  Making arrangements for the presentation of the Council’s case for confirmation of the CPO at any Public Inquiry.

·  Exercising the compulsory purchase powers authorised by the CPO by way of general vesting declaration and / or notices to treat and notices of Entry.

·  Acquiring third party interests in the site by private treaty.

·  Making any third party payments of compensation due pursuant to the national Compensation Code as a result of the implementation of the CPO. Compensation due to unidentified owner can be paid to the Crown.


(g)  That the Strategic Director, Regeneration, Housing and Resources be authorised to appropriate to planning purposes the land in the ownership of Slough Borough Council which is no longer required for the purpose for which it was previously used,  for use in connection with the Chalvey Regeneration Strategy under  Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972.


(h)  That an update report will be presented to Cabinet in September 2014 that will confirm progress on the 6 existing sites and include updates on additional regeneration sites identified as the strategy has evolved.


The Interim Head of Asset Management introduced a report regarding the progress and next steps of the second phase of the Chalvey Regeneration Strategy.


In relation to the potential development of 24 one-bedroom properties and two townhouses on the site of the derelict petrol station at Chalvey Road East, Members were informed that Asset Management had carried out a viability assessment of the revised development appraisal submitted by the owner and officers were satisfied that the scheme would not be viable with a full Section 106 contribution.  This was primarily due to issues associated with the acquisition and abnormal costs related to land remediation.  Commissioners considered a number of issues including the proposed property mix on the site; and the potential to clawback any reduced Section 106 contributions, if flexibility was agreed through the planning process.  The Cabinet agreed to take proactive steps to facilitate the redevelopment of the site, subject to the agreement of an overage clause in the event the development proved to be more profitable than anticipated.


It was noted that the redevelopment of the former Cross Keys public house site, of which the Council owned circa one-third, had not progressed due to the valuation expectations of the owner of the rest of the site.  The background to this matter was explained to Commissioners who considered whether to utilise compulsory purchase powers to acquire the site in line with the policy that had been approved by Cabinet in February 2014.  The potential use of the site would be the provision of affordable housing.  After due consideration, the Cabinet agreed to authorise the Strategic Director Regeneration, Housing and Resources to take the necessary steps to secure the Compulsory Purchase Order to deliver the Chalvey Regeneration Strategy if agreement could not be reached through negotiation.


Members were updated on the progress of the other projects in phase 2 of the Chalvey Regeneration Strategy including the housing scheme on land at Ledgers Road which was due start onsite by the end of year; new changing facilities and a Multi-Use Games Area at Chalvey Recreation Ground due for completion in the summer; and the funding bid for Chalvey Halt.  The potential development of a health facility on the former SSE depot site was welcomed  and Commissioners noted the potential for the Council to enter into an agreement to combine the health facilities with either 60 Extra Care Housing apartments or 18 general needs homes for rent.  The options would be considered and may be subject to a separate report to Cabinet.  Members welcomed the progress that had been made in implementing the Regeneration Strategy and agreed to receive a further update in September 2014.


Resolved –


(a)  That the proposals to take proactive steps to bring forward the development of the former petrol station site be approved.


(b)  That it be noted that following discussions with the CCG and local GPs, a local GP is using private finance to acquire the former Scottish and Southern Electricity (SSE) site to introduce an integrated health facility. 


(c)  That the possibility to enter into a partnership to improve housing choice in Chalvey linked to the former SSE depot site be noted.


(d)  That it be noted that the changing rooms will be completed by July 2014.


(e)  That it be noted that subject to there being no planning issues, the Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA) will be completed by June 2014.


(f)  That the Director, Regeneration, Housing and Resources be authorised to take all necessary steps to secure the making, submission, confirmation and implementation of the CPO of the third party land at the Former Cross Keys Public House and other land required to deliver the Chalvey Regeneration Strategy (and where appropriate amendments to the Order) including;


·  Publication and service of all notices

·  Advertise the Order and submit it to the Secretary of State in accordance with the Acquisition of Land Act 1981.

·  Negotiation with landowners.

·  Setting out the terms for the withdrawal of objections to the CPO.

·  Where appropriate, seeking exclusions of land from the CPO

·  Making arrangements for the presentation of the Council’s case for confirmation of the CPO at any Public Inquiry.

·  Exercising the compulsory purchase powers authorised by the CPO by way of general vesting declaration and / or notices to treat and notices of Entry.

·  Acquiring third party interests in the site by private treaty.

·  Making any third party payments of compensation due pursuant to the national Compensation Code as a result of the implementation of the CPO. Compensation due to unidentified owner can be paid to the Crown.


(g)  That the Strategic Director, Regeneration, Housing and Resources be authorised to appropriate to planning purposes the land in the ownership of Slough Borough Council which is no longer required for the purpose for which it was previously used,  for use in connection with the Chalvey Regeneration Strategy under  Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972.


(h)  That an update report will be presented to Cabinet in September 2014 that will confirm progress on the 6 existing sites and include updates on additional regeneration sites identified as the strategy has evolved.

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