Agenda item

Slough Regeneration Partnership, Partnership Business Plan


That the Slough Regeneration Partnership, Partnership Business Plan (Appendix B to the report) be approved.


Councillor Nazir, the Member representative on the SRP Board, and the Strategic Director Regeneration, Housing and Resources introduced a report which sought approval of the Slough Regeneration Partnership (SRP) Partnership Business Plan (PBP) for the period January 2014 to December 2018.


The PBP was the core document of the SRP which set out the strategic direction, governance arrangements, operational business arrangements and a rolling 5-year plan of activity.  Commissioners considered a range of issues including the key sites as set out in Appendix A and the working arrangements with Morgan Sindall.  The Cabinet welcomed the progress made to date, for example bringing forward 200 new homes at Ledgers Road and Wexham Nursery sites; the indication that the Council was expected to receive £9m in capital receipts between 2015-16 and 2018-19; and the fact that the area around the Slough Canal Basin and land adjacent to Mercian Way and Lavendar Farm would be brought forward for investigation and possible development.


The Cabinet approved the Partnership Business Plan and thanked Councillor Nazir and officers for the work they had done to progress the initiative.


Resolved –  That the Slough Regeneration Partnership, Partnership Business Plan (Appendix B to the report) be approved.

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