Agenda item

Finance and Performance Report: Quarter 2 2013-14


The Committee considered a report setting out the Council’s overall performance from delivery of service to financial management covering the period up to and including September 2013.


The Council was forecasting an overspend of £0.7m as at month 6, a reduction from the £1.1m reported after month 3, and action was continuing to ensure this position is mitigated in full or in part by the end of the financial year.  The main area showing an overspend is the children and families service area, forecast to exceed budget by £1.7m, but offset by savings in other areas as detailed in an appendix to the report.  Of the £9.4m savings for 2013-14, the majority (66%) were showing as green with just £1.5m (16%) rated red at this point in the year.  The capital programme was currently showing a 16% spend to date but this was forecast to rise to 70% by the year end, a considerable improvement on previous years.


On Council performance, 32 performance indicators had been RAG rated, with the majority (21 or 66%) at green and (6 or 19%) at amber.  The Committee reviewed the 5 (16%) measures that were rated red, in particular the percentage of initial assessments completed and authorised within 10 working days.  While this remained of concern, an audit of cases had shown a slow but gradual improvement taking place, with emphasis being placed on the quality of the assessment made rather than speed with which it was carried out.


A request was made that the performance report due for Quarter 3 should detail the progress of works/spending on the Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme in 2013-14.  In relation to the Council’s Gold Projects, members questioned the officers on a number of detailed matters.  The revised end date for the Learning Disabilities Change Programme of March 2016 was noted, as was the expected commencement of an Ofsted inspection of the Safeguarding Improvement Board.  The Committee recognised the School Places in Slough Expansion Programme April 2013 – March 2014 was a significant challenge for the Council, given the finite supply of land for development in the Borough.  A new Gold Project was to be launched for the expansion of School Places in the longer term (over the next eight years).  The Committee was referred to a report to the Education and Children’s Services Panel for detailed figures but noted that while approximately 24% of places in Slough Secondary Schools were taken by pupils form outside the town, a similar number from Slough attended schools in neighbouring areas.  Further information was requested regarding the future of the shops affected by the Britwell Regeneration, the total number of children looked after (and specifically those in residential placements), and progress with the Housing Department re-organisation.



(a)  That the proposed sale of Parlaunt Road, approved by the Cabinet in November 2012, be noted along with the utilisation of the anticipated capital receipt to support the Housing Revenue Account.

(b)  That the latest forecast financial information for the 2013-14 financial year; the Council’s performance against the balanced scorecard indicators; and the Council’s performance on ‘Gold’ projects during 2013-14 be noted.

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