Agenda item

Older People's Commissioning Strategy 2013-2018


That the Older People’s Commissioning Strategy 2013-2018 be approved.


The Commissioner for Health & Wellbeing and Assistant Director, Adult Social Care, Commissioning & Partnerships introduced a report which sought approval of the Older People’s Commissioning Strategy 2013-18.


The Commissioner explained the context in which the new strategy had been developed including demographic changes, significant changes in Government policy and funding pressures.  Extensive consultation with service users, the voluntary and community sector and other stakeholders had been carried out.  The refreshed strategy aimed to provide preventative services designed to help people maximise their independence and also sought to reshape the market to deliver choice and control to older people.  The Assistant Director informed Members of the key aspects of the new strategy and responded to a number of questions from Commissioners including about the demographic trends which underpinned the strategy.


Resolved –  That the Older People’s Commissioning Strategy 2013-2018 be approved.

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