Agenda item

References from Overview & Scrutiny


(a)  That the findings of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s Review of Childhood Obesity be noted and that recommendations (a), (c), (e), (f), (g) and (h) be agreed.


(b)  That the findings of the Health Scrutiny Panel’s Accident and Emergency Provision and Wexham Park Hospital Review be noted.


The Cabinet considered two reports from scrutiny in relation to the Childhood Obesity review undertaken by the Overview & Scrutiny Committee and a review of Accident & Emergency Provision at Wexham Park Hospital carried out by the Health Scrutiny Panel.


Members welcomed the thorough analysis and evidence based conclusions in the report, particularly in relation to the Childhood Obesity Review, and agreed that it provided a number of clear recommendations which could now be implemented.  The reports were both noted and the relevant recommendations for the Cabinet in relation to the Childhood Obesity Report as set out below were agreed.


Resolved –


(a)  That the findings of the Overview & Scrutiny Committee’s Review of Childhood Obesity be noted and that the following recommendations be agreed:


a.  That the Cabinet agree the prioritising of work currently underway to improve the scope of healthy offers across a range of price levels by local retailers, specifically within the vicinity of local schools.


c.  That the council work with all schools to encourage the inclusion of cooking classes and nutritional education in the curriculum for all schools in the borough.


e.  That the council, through the Transport Working Party, provide support to the schools for initiatives to improve the use of sustainable travel to and from schools, recognising not only the health benefits, but also the congestion and environmental benefits improved School Transport Plans can have.


f.  That the council looks at its methods of advertising the local leisure offer, particularly the available open spaces for ‘unorganised’ sporting activities, and include details of how improvements can/have been made when the Overview and Scrutiny Committee review the initial effectiveness of the new Physical Activity and Sport Strategy 2013-15 in autumn 2014.


g.  That the Cabinet commission officers to undertake a piece of work reviewing the balance of the leisure offer in the borough to ensure an appropriate mix for both boys and girls.


h.  That a formalised process for information sharing on initiatives to tackle childhood obesity be developed between the CCG, children’s centres, health visitors, SBC’s Culture and Sport team and schools.  This Review recommends that the CCG leads on this, to ensure their engagement as they would be able to develop an overall picture of health and refer patients to the most appropriate services or initiatives that are available.


(b)  That the findings of the Health Scrutiny Panel’s Accident and Emergency Provision and Wexham Park Hospital Review be noted.

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