Agenda item

2014-15 Budget Process Update


Steve Elson presented the report to give an update on the current position as follows:


The draft pro-forma that was sent to the DfE was accepted. The deadline for the final pro-forma to be sent is 21st January 2014. The Task and Finish Group will continue to meet to discuss unit values and make recommendations. The primary low attainment units will possibly increase in the same way as secondary and are likely to balance out. There could be some impact on Infant and Junior schools which will need to be looked at.


Two further meetings of the Task and Finish Group have been set up but the DfE won’t be providing the data until 14th December. The Task and Finish Group proposes to discuss the principles at the next meeting on 26th November then meet again in January to do the work and enact them once they have the data to work on. Timescales are tight.


Action:  Steve Elson will circulate the draft formula that was sent to the DfE.


Action: The consultation response that was submitted will be circulated with these minutes.


Jean Cameron reported that the figures for 2014/15 Early Years Block funding will be brought to the December meeting to request Schools Forum’s approval to carry forward the substantial amount of money that hasn’t been spent. This refers to the overfunding in 13/14 and trajectory funding for September 2014.


John Constable confirmed that the December meeting was likely to be longer than usual as detailed discussion will take place on the three blocks.


Helen Huntley expressed concern about Jackie Wright’s departure and also Steve Elson’s departure. Steve confirmed that he is likely to continue working for the LA for another four months after December and will have a gradual handover to Atul Lad. Schools Forum welcomes the extension of his role. Robin Crofts clarified that the statutory aspects of Jackie Wright’s role stayed with the LA but the support aspects transferred to Cambridge Education. Cambridge Education are looking at moving the statutory aspects over as soon as possible.


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