Agenda item

Economic Development Strategic Plan for Growth


That the Economic Development Strategic Plan for Growth be adopted and the implementation of activities in the town be supported.


The Economic Policy Development Officer introduced a report which sought approval for the Economic Development Strategic Plan for Growth 2014-18 which outlined a number of strategic activities necessary to promote economic growth in Slough.


(Councillor Walsh joined the meeting)


Members were informed that the document had undergone wide ranging consultation including with the Slough Wellbeing Board and Overview & Scrutiny Committee and their comments had been incorporated into the draft under consideration.  The Cabinet welcomed the plan and emphasised that it was important to ensure effective delivery of the key priorities.


(Councillor Sharif joined the meeting)


Members discussed a number of issues which would impact on growth such as business support; apprenticeships; supply chain benefits from Council contracts; and infrastructure improvements including Western Rail Access to Heathrow and the imminent recommendations of the Airports Commission.


After due consideration, the Cabinet agreed to approve the plan.


Resolved –  That the Economic Development Strategic Plan for Growth be adopted and the implementation of activities in the town be supported.

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