Agenda item

References from Overview & Scrutiny


(a)  That for all major projects undertaken by the Council, a scrutiny task and finish group be formed to engage with the officers and project designers at an early stage of design and construction; and


(b)  That effective engagement and consultation take place with disability groups across the borough in the future development of major projects undertaken by the Council, utilising existing forums and networks where possible.


The Cabinet considered two references from the Overview & Scrutiny Committee in relation to its scrutiny of the bus station project.


Commissioners were asked to consider establishing a cross-party group of Members to engage with officers and designers for all major projects; and that the Assistant Director Adult Social Care look into forming an umbrella group to represent the view of all disability groups in the Borough with whom the Council could consult.


The Cabinet considered both references and agreed with the Committee on the importance of ensuring strong engagement from both Members and disability groups at an early stage of major project development.  However, they felt that existing structures and groups should be better utilised wherever possible.  It was therefore agreed that Member involvement would be best done through the existing scrutiny structures, such as the use of task and finish groups, with major projects flagged up at the appropriate stage to ensure early involvement.  In terms of disability groups, the Cabinet reaffirmed their commitment to effective engagement to be built into consultation plans and design competitions for such projects and that best practice from projects such as the Britwell regeneration should be incorporated.


Resolved –


(a)  That for all major projects undertaken by the Council, a scrutiny task and finish group be formed to engage with the officers and project designers at an early stage of design and construction; and


(b)  That effective engagement and consultation take place with disability groups across the borough in the future development of major projects undertaken by the Council, utilising existing forums and networks where possible.

Supporting documents: