Agenda item

P/06684/015 - Queensmere Shopping Centre, Wellington Street, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1LN

For member comment only.


The Strategic Lead, Planning Policy and Projects, outlined a report to allow Members the opportunity to make comments on the design of the proposed Queensmere Shopping Centre Scheme. It was emphasised that the report was for comment only, not decision, and a further report would be brought to the Committee in due course to discuss issues such as transport and parking, sustainability/ environmental issues and financial contributions. 

The Officer advised that the principle of development with flats above was already agreed. The report before the Committee considered matters such as the principle of high density flats, development in terms of its scale, bulk, massing, height, design and external appearance. Members were also asked to consider the impact on the surrounding area, including short and long range views, listed buildings and the relationship to the Heart of Slough.  These matters all fell under the umbrella of design and it was important that there would be no detrimental impact on surrounding properties and the character of the area.


It was highlighted that a Berkshire design Panel had viewed the scheme and though no concern was expressed regarding the height of the scheme, the Panel was concerned about the quality of the development and the architectural rationale. Slough BC had subsequently employed its own architect to continue these discussions.

The Officer advised that the views of the Committee would be relayed to the Applicant and be incorporated in a final report which would be presented to the Committee at a later date.


In the ensuing debate Members expressed individual views and raised a number of questions/ comments as follows:


  • Was there car parking within the scheme for residents ? It was  confirmed that there was none and the scheme would be ‘car free’.
  • The overshadowing of St Ethelbert’s Church by the development was not welcomed.
  • It was felt that since the loss of the round tower within the plans, the height of the remaining towers should be shifted  for example by having 5 towers of lower height.
  • The proposed glass spine running up the side of the towers presented a jarring visual image.
  • The height of spires exceeded the height of the building by one floor- it was thought this was not visually acceptable.
  • The scheme was felt to be an improvement on the original design in some areas but why did the height progress towards the church and older features of the area that should be protected?
  • The location of the scheme was considered to be prime real estate and a fantastic location. It was felt that the developers needed to ‘go back to the drawing board’.
  • The lime green and yellow infilling was not thought to be attractive and it would not be in style 20 years later.
  • The Cafes planned for the Mackenzie Street location would be sheltered from the sun most of the day.
  • In 2007 the corner of the development was going to be the site for an anchor store. This concept appeared to have been lost? The Officer confirmed that the design would allow for potential occupation by a large store.
  • It was felt that any development that was clearly visible on the Slough skyline would be a visual display of the Slough ‘Brand’ in years to come.  The mix within the scheme was not attractive and although the height of the development was not an issue in principle, this type of development was not welcomed.
  • The design of the scheme did not have the level of quality required to present an iconic statement for Slough town centre.

Resolved-    That the comments and views submitted by the Committee be noted, relayed to the Applicant, and  incorporated in a final report for presentation to the Committee at a later date.


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