Agenda item

Designation of Local Planning Authorities


The Development Control Manager, outlined a report to inform Members of changes to the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990, which enabled the designation of poor performing Local Planning Authorities. He also discussed  the action that would be taken by Slough BC to address this.


The Committee was advised that when designated as a Local Planning Authority, Developers would have the option to submit their planning applications directly to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. This would result in the Council losing the opportunity to influence and determine the application and a Planning Inspector would decide the application rather than the Planning Committee. Members noted that residents would be able to comment on applications and would also have the opportunity to address the Inspector.


The Officer discussed the implications of ‘designation’, and it was highlighted that where developers chose this option, they would lose the right to appeal to the Secretary of State. It was also noted that the Council could lose fee income if Developers decided to submit applications directly to the Secretary of State. 


The Committee also noted that the Secretary of State would decide whether any designations should be made and the initial designations had been made in October this year. The Secretary of State would decide annually whether any designations should be lifted, and decide  whether any new designations should be made.


It was highlighted that Slough BC had not been designated and the Officer discussed the approach that would be taken to ensure it would not be designated in future, as set out in the report.


The Committee noted that the Government had amended fee regulations and a refund of fees would be required if a planning application had not been decided within 26 weeks.


Resolved-  That the report be noted.


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