Agenda item

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) Progress


The Committee considered a report on the progress made on the redesign process to deliver the web based Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).


The four phases identified for the development of the JSNA are as follows:


  • Phase 1 – develop a web based JSNA which tells the local story with updated data and newly created ward profiles
  • Phase 2 – further develop the web based JSNA to link to key strategies across the Council
  • Phase 3 – build on other local information/data to provide details of health and wellbeing inequalities including assets
  • Phase 4 – review and update


The report described the work of the Berkshire Public Health Shared Team to provide the essential data for the 14 ward profiles for Slough.  The Council’s JSNA Project Group had reviewed the existing JSNA text to combine with the data in the new chapter headings and arranged over 62 templates.  Work on the web upload of the new JSNA was expected to be completed early in 2014, and members would be notified when this was done.  The redesign of the JSNA as a web based resource would enable it to be updated as and when new data became available.


Copies of the ward profile data for the Chalvey, Foxborough and Central wards were attached to the report as appendices. A brief explanation of the format of the ward summary page was given to the Committee, where ward data on a range of indicators was shown alongside the Slough average and plotted on a graph showing the ward range from best to worse. 


It was suggested that at the appropriate time, it may be helpful for members to attend a workshop to help with interpretation of the data in their ward profiles.  However, as an initial aid, Angela Snowling offered to produce a Councillor briefing note to assist members to use their ward profile.


Resolved - 

(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That the officers be thanked for the accessible and helpful presentation of the data in the refreshed and updated JSNA.

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