Agenda item

To consider Motions submitted under procedure Rule 14


It was moved by Councillor Smith,

Seconded by Councillor Wright,


“This Council resolves:


To address the unacceptable shortfall in the ratio of patients to doctors in Slough and produce a plan, with partners in the NHS, that will bring the Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area up from its present ratio of 21.2 full-time-equivalent (FTE) doctors per 100,000 patients, with the objective of achieving over the next 5 years a ratio the same as that of Windsor, Maidenhead and Ascot (which is 35.1 FTE doctors per 100,000 patients), thereby reducing health inequalities and improving the health and well being of Slough residents, in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012”.


It was moved as an amendment by Councillor Anderson,

Seconded by Councillor Walsh,


That the motion be amended as follows:-


“This Council resolves:


To address the unacceptable shortfall in the ratio of patients to doctors in Slough to recognise the shortage in access to doctors in some wards and produce a plan, with partners in the NHS, that will bring the Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area up from its present ratio of 21.2 full-time-equivalent (FTE) doctors per 100,000 patients, with the objective of achieving over the next 5 years a ratio the same as that of Windsor, Maidenhead and Ascot (which is 35.1 FTE doctors per 100,000 patients), The Council endorses the commitment of NHS England to review the number of GPs across the region, and supports the Slough CCG’s commissioning intentions that specifically include access as a top priority. This Council also supports the CCG’s investment in extending access across GPs in Slough. Whilst the per capita measurement of GP numbers is of concern, the national target to be achieved, as in the government’s National Outcome Framework for Health, is access to 3.4 appointments per patient per year, by which measure Slough GPs are achieving a local figure of 3.8 - exceeding this national target.  The Council and partners will continue to work collaboratively with the CCG and NHS England tothereby reduceing health inequalities and improveingthe health and well being of Slough residents, in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012”.


The amendment was put and rejected by 28 votes to 5 votes with 1 abstention.


The substantive motion was put and carried by 28 votes to 3 votes with 3 abstentions. 




Resolved- This Council resolves to:-


Recognise the shortage in access to doctors in some wards. The Council endorses the commitment of NHS England to review the number of GPs across the region, and supports the Slough CCG’s commissioning intentions that specifically include access as a top priority. This Council also supports the CCG’s investment in extending access across GPs in Slough. Whilst the per capita measurement of GP numbers is of concern, the national target to be achieved, as in the government’s National Outcome Framework for Health, is access to 3.4 appointments per patient per year, by which measure Slough GPs are achieving a local figure of 3.8 - exceeding this national target.  The Council and partners will continue to work collaboratively with the CCG and NHS England to reduce health inequalities and improve the health and well being of Slough residents, in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012.




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