Agenda item

P/02523/011 - 27, Cheviot Road, Slough, SL3 8LA

Officer Recommendation: Delegate to Strategic Lead Planning Policy.


The Committee considered a supplementary report to provide Members with an update on the progress of the application.


It was noted that although the Applicants had agreed the obligations and financial contributions of the final draft Section 106 Agreement which they had been aware of since the Planning Committee held in May, 2013, they had advised that at the present time they were unable to meet the funding obligations required for final signing of the Agreement. The Applicants had indicated that it could take approximately 6 months to acquire the necessary funds but had advised they would use the building in accordance with its current authorised use as a social club.


The Committee discussed the report and it was agreed unanimously that the Applicants had been afforded sufficient time to complete the arrangements and that  the final signing of the S106 Agreement should be completed no later than 5 pm on Friday 7th February, 2014 as set out below.




Change of use from Licensed Members Social Club (sui generis) to Islamic Community and Teaching Centre and place of worship (class D1) and retention of second floor flat (class C3)


That the final signing of the S106 Agreement be delayed until no later than 5 pm on Friday 7th February, 2014, to allow the Applicants enough time to secure the funding necessary to meet the financial obligations contained in the Draft Agreement.  In the event that the S106 Agreement is not signed within this time limit, that the Strategic Lead Planning Policy be authorised to refuse planning permission for the reasons set out in the report.




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