Agenda item

2014-15 DSG Block (High Needs Block)


Atul Lad presented the report to inform the School’s Forum of the estimated High Needs Block budget for 2014-15.


The DfE has given an initial £17,053,097. £241,000 has been added to the Block from the 2012-13 DSG underspend and £29,542 for PFI from Council funding.


Schools Forum looked at Appendix 1 of the report which shows the detail. Atul noted the expenditure lines may change in line with number of places. He also noted that the PFI figure has changed and is now £309,000.


Helen Huntley reported that, at a meeting of the Special Academy Trust, schools had expressed concerns about the High Needs Block to DfE representatives. She referred to Slough’s positive policy of having brought back young people from out borough placements and providing within the  borough.  She said that there may now be a negative impact on Slough compared to other LAs. DfE officials had acknowledged this and promised to take this concern back to the DfE.


Schools Forum noted the estimated High Needs Block but subject to clarification of the overall funding from the Council relating to the PFI factor being confirmed. Action: Maggie Waller is to request clarification and confirmation from the Council regarding the Council’s contribution to the ‘affordability gap’ 


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