Agenda item

Transport/LSTF Schemes/Designs (Updates)


JW highlighted this report with updates on schemes as follows –


East West Cycling route –


JW advised the members of the intentions within Salt Hill Park and that the diversion of the public footpath had been agreed as being necessary at the previous meeting.  Previous LAF queries included concern about the mature poplar trees along the park boundary with the railway being removed.  Feedback from Transport officer asserted that only those trees which are essential for removal would be taken down. WS commented that poplar trees can be a danger particularly at this location and asked what new trees would be planted in their place.


Members felt that overall the new entrance and zebra crossing on Stoke Poges Lane are effective in encouraging safe crossing by the public at this location.


SWY queried timescales for the cycle route implementation through the park as work on the replacement of Stoke Poges Lane footbridge is due at the end of 2014 and the park will constitute a major diversion route.  JW will ask Transport for timescales on this project. WS stated the responsibility for the bridge will been handed over to Network Rail due to the high cost attached if any services are damaged.


The Leigh Road new bridge -


JW updated members with the new drawing which shows that Bedford Ave will no longer be stopped up.  This was one of the main concerns from the last meeting.  JW would circulate the new drawing to members via email for information.  The old bridge which is being kept as a cycleway/footway route is not going to be re-created as a bridleway now; the existing highway rights can remain.


SWY informed the meeting that the old Leigh Road bridge parapets are too low for current European standards.  It is hoped that trimming the carriageway surface down by about 6 inches will solve the problem, though detailed designs are yet to be submitted showing how this will be tied in with approach highway on either side.  It may involve a ramp down onto the bridge deck level.  IH noted that the high parapets make the bridge feel quite claustrophobic, though the new status will mean the whole width can be used by cyclists and pedestrians which should alleviate this.  Members also noted that the bridge is a Brunel design and therefore listed.


Pavement Parking Scheme –


JW gave feedback the 6 month consultation ends in Jan 2014.  The TROs have all been made and enforcement can start soon.  There are 18 months for the council to decide whether or not the scheme will be made permanent.  TA felt that the scheme was working at the junction of Montague Road and Shackleton Road.  However, he felt that some of the markings have seemed to allow parking across people’s driveways.  TA felt that though there are some minor problems; the scheme has definitely improved access to the footway for pedestrians.


JW stated Wexham ward will be the next area for the PPS as it is adjacent to the previous area.  Members initially felt that pavement parking problems in Wexham justified this decision and that the council ought to perform the same kind of preliminary consultation as before to get as much residential input as possible prior to design stage.  However, some members felt there were hotspots with greater need around the borough and that the council could consider dealing with those particular locations rather than on a ward by ward basis.  Moving the project westwards would more quickly encompass areas of higher need.  The LAF recommends that the council aims the scheme at areas based on a needs assessment and taking into account ease of implementation rather than do entire wards rolling out from the centre.  As then those black spot areas would be dealt with faster.


JW said that parking around Wexham Park hospital would be included involving partnership working with Bucks CC to discourage displacement parking.


Members agreed that the need assessment criteria ought to include; accident statistics, CCTV (if available), proximity of schools, residents’ complaints, number of pavements obstructed, how severely they are obstructed, presence of bus routes and any enforcement data (tickets issued).


Members wanted to know of any feedback received from the residents on the Central ward scheme so far as this will be informing the council’s decision on whether the scheme is altered/made permanent.


Lansdowne Avenue Experimental Closure –


Monitoring is being done via queue length surveys and site visits both before and after.  Members questioned why other options could not be trialled as well.  JW stated that the route remains open for walking and cycling as part of the East-West route.  TH asked that the LAF be given a report on Dolphin Road infrastructure changes.  JW will bring details to the next meeting.


Farnham Road Better Bus Scheme –


DM questioned the lamp column positions on this scheme which looks complete.  This scheme is currently in progress.  JW would check the drawings and planned final position of the columns.


Cinder Track –


JW tabled the report explaining the current set of improvements being undertaken along the route.  These include;


  • Widening of the narrow section of the route leading through to the Godolphin Playing fields.


  • Replacement of bollards out of repair


  • Graffiti removal – rolling monthly programme by Community Payback – rolling disclaimers signed by owner/occupiers.


  • Dog fouling bag dispensers – adjacent to the normal litter bins.


Resolved – Actions to be taken as detailed above and item to be kept on agenda for updates.





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