Agenda item

Future Meetings Dates and Times


Members were reminded that they had agreed that the time and date of future meetings would be agreed on an ad hoc basis rather than set in the corporate diary.  A preference was expressed for two meetings to be held each term (rather than one at present) one of which could possibly take the form of a sub-group with specific topic to consider.


It was requested that an additional meeting be arranged for Thursday 13th March 2014, commencing at 4.30 pm.  Hardip Singh Sohal undertook to investigate whether this could be held at the Khalsa School.


It was noted that the terms of reference for SACRE provided for it to publish each year a report of its proceedings.  Although not specified in the terms of reference, Members were of the view that the annual report should be made to the Education and Children’s Services Panel.  The Clerk undertook to circulate a copy of the terms of reference to all members.


It was noted that SACRE had not appointed a Vice-Chair for the current year.  Accordingly it was


Resolved -That Lynda Bussley be appointed Vice-Chair of SACRE for 2013/14.