Agenda item

Community Investment Fund 2013/14


That the progress made to date on the community investment fund projects be noted.


The Communications Manager made a presentation on the projects which had been funded by the Council’s Community Investment Fund (CIF) in 2013/14.


The CIF was introduced in 2012 to direct funding to smaller street level projects that benefitted the local community and improved neighbourhoods.  The projects taken forward in 2013/14 included circa 400 new and replacement litter bins by the end of April 2014; new signs for parks; three upgraded and four new Multi-Use Games Areas; almost 700 street name plates had been replaced over the past two years; and the phased roll out of the pavement parking policy to prevent damage to verges and improve safety.  A number of other smaller projects had also been funded such as minor highway improvements, tree planting and new parking bays following neighbourhood walkabouts.


Members discussed a number of aspects of the CIF including the positive impact the approach to pavement parking and targeted introduction of new parking bays had had in terms of streetscape and safety. In noting the report, the Cabinet welcomed the contribution that the CIF had made to neighbourhoods across the Borough during the past year. 


Resolved –  That the progress made to date on the Community Investment Fund projects be noted.

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