Agenda item

Carers Caring for Others - Slough's Joint Carers Commissioning Strategy Refresh 2014-17


That the draft interim Joint Carers Commissioning strategy, including resource allocation, as set out in the Appendix to the report be approved.


The Commissioner for Health and Wellbeing and Assistant Director Adult Social Care introduced a report which sought approval for the interim Joint Carers Commissioning Strategy.


It was noted that the joint strategy, between the Council and the Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), built upon the existing Slough Carers’ Strategy which had now come to an end and needed to be refreshed.  The revised document under consideration was an interim document in view of the major legislative and policy changes within health and social care that impacted on carers, particularly the Care Act 2014.  The refreshed strategy adopted an integrated approach with health and set out how services would be delivered differently in line with national and local policy drivers.


(Councillor Munawar joined the meeting)


The Strategy contained six agreed local priorities which included hospital and carers; improved support for young carers; training and information for professionals; and the involvement of carers.  Commissioners discussed these priorities and, in particular, emphasised the importance of supporting young carers and the identification of carers to ensure they could access the appropriate support.  The Cabinet also considered engagement with voluntary and community sector partners and the delivery mechanism and monitoring arrangements with the CCG.


Following discussion, the Cabinet approved the interim Joint Carers Commissioning Strategy.


Resolved –  That the draft interim Joint Carers Commissioning Strategy, including the resource allocation, as set out in the Appendix to the report be approved.

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