Agenda item

Better Care Fund and Local Delivery Plan


(a)  That the future planned activity set out in section 6 of the report and the benefits, implications and risk associated with the BCF planning for Slough set out in section 7 of the report be noted.


(b)  That the Slough Wellbeing Board (SWB) sign off of the final Slough BCF delivery plan for submission to NHS England be endorsed.


(c)  That the Assistant Director, Adult Social Care, following consultation with the lead Commissioner for Finance, be authorised to take any necessary interim steps relating to the financial planning of the BCF ahead of the next Cabinet meeting in June.


The Commissioner for Health and Wellbeing and the Assistant Director Adult Social Care introduced a report on the Better Care Fund (BCF) in Slough and sought endorsement for the Slough BCF delivery plan, jointly developed by the Council and Slough Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).


The purpose of the BCF was to increase the integration between health and adult social care services.  The key features of the BCF delivery plan were outlined and Members noted the comprehensive process that had been undertaken to develop the plan, which had been signed off by the Slough Wellbeing Board and submitted to NHS England on 4th April 2014.  Slough’s BCF delivery would focus on three strands: self care and prevention services; improved care co-ordination; and maintaining and promoting independence.


The financial summary set out in Appendix A was considered and it was noted that the figures in table 2 on page 118 had been updated and the pooled budget for 2014/15 from the Council and the CCG would be £5.612m and for 2015/16 would be £9.76m.  Commissioners discussed a number of issues including the governance arrangements with the CCG and the way in which service improvements would be measured.


The Cabinet endorsed the BCF delivery plan and in view of the fact there would not be another scheduled Cabinet meeting until June, it was also agreed to authorise the Assistant Director for Adult Social Care, following consultation with the lead Commissioner for Finance, to take any interim steps relating to the financial planning if required.


Resolved –


(a)  That the future planned activity set out in section 6 of the report and the benefits, implications and risk associated with the BCF planning for Slough set out in section 7 of the report be noted.


(b)  That the Slough Wellbeing Board (SWB) sign off of the final Slough BCF delivery plan for submission to NHS England be endorsed.


(c)  That the Assistant Director, Adult Social Care, following consultation with the lead Commissioner for Finance, be authorised to take any necessary interim steps relating to the financial planning of the BCF ahead of the next Cabinet meeting in June.

Supporting documents: