Agenda item

Medium Term Financial Strategy 2014-18


The Leader of the Council and the Commissioners for Community & Leisure; Health & Wellbeing; Performance & Accountability; Social & Economic Inclusion; Education & Children; Environment & Open Spaces and Neighbourhoods and Renewal presented the Leadership Proposals for the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2014-18.  On completion of the presentation:


It was moved by Councillor Anderson,

Seconded by Councillor Swindlehurst,


“That the MTFS 2014 –18 as set out at Appendix A of the report be approved”.

The Leader of the Conservative Group and Councillor Mittal then made a presentation to the Council on the Medium Term Financial Strategy.


No amendments were put and the recommendation was opened up to debate.  Councillor Smith requested that members of public who are afforded the right to inspect the Council’s accounts should be allowed to ask questions at the Annual Budget Council meeting. It was agreed that this would be considered by the Member Panel on the Constitution and if necessary referred back.


The recommendation was put and carried and, on a show of hands, a prior request having been made for a record of the voting:-


There voted for the recommendation:-


Councillors  Anderson, Bal, Brooker, Carter, Chaudhry, Chohan, Dar, Davis,

A S Dhaliwal, Dhillon, Grewal, P K Mann, Matloob, Munawar, Nazir, Pantelic, Parmar, Plenty, Rasib, Sandhu, Shah, Sharif, Small, Sohal, and Swindlehurst ……………………………………………………………………………………….25


There voted against the recommendation:-


Councillors Coad, Mittal, Smith and Wright ……………………………………...4


There abstained from voting:-


The Worshipful the Mayor .........................................................................................  1


Resolved  -  That that the Medium Term Financial Strategy 2014 – 18 as set out at Appendix A of the report be approved.

Supporting documents: