Agenda item

Capital Strategy 2014-19


It was moved by Councillor Anderson,

Seconded by Councillor Swindlehurst,


(a)  “That the capital strategy of £147.7m be approved.


(b)  To note that the costs of the capital programme to the revenue budget will be an increase of £1.2m per annum commencing during the period of the capital strategy to fund borrowing of £21.5m be noted.


(c)  That the principles underpinning the capital programme in paragraph 5.1.2 of the report be approved”.


The recommendations were put and carried and, on a show of hands, a prior request having been made for a record of the voting:-


There voted for the recommendations:-


Councillors  Anderson, Bal, Brooker, Carter, Chaudhry, Chohan, Dar, Davis, A S Dhaliwal, Dhillon, Grewal, P K Mann, Matloob, Munawar, Nazir, Pantelic, Parmar, Plenty, Rasib, Sandhu, Shah, Sharif, Small, Sohal, and Swindlehurst ………………………………………………………………………………………25


There voted against the recommendations:-


Councillors Mittal, Smith and Wright  ……………………………………………3


There abstained from voting:-


The Worshipful the Mayor .........................................................................................  1


Resolved  -


(a)  That the capital strategy of £147.7m be approved.


(b)  That the costs of the capital programme to the revenue budget will be an increase of £1.2m per annum commencing during the period of the capital strategy to fund borrowing of £21.5m be noted.


(c)  That the principles underpinning the capital programme in paragraph 5.1.2 of the report be approved.

Supporting documents: