Agenda item

Quarter 3 Budget Monitoring 2013-14


Atul Lad presented the report to inform the Schools Forum of 2013-14 forecasted school revenue balances as at the end of Quarter 3. The information provided to the Forum is based on schools’ returns for the end of the 3rd quarter, from April to December.  Atul confirmed this is only for maintained schools.


It was noted that 13 schools are projecting to end the year with balances above the balance control mechanism thresholds of 8% (primary schools) and 5% (secondary schools).


Summary of issues noted in the returns are staffing and the difficulties in finding adequate replacements, capital works being delayed, new grants for teacher training and adjustments in nursery budgets.



Atul Lad to follow up any schools on Appendix 1 table showing particularly high and low figures e.g.  going into double figures. The headteacher can be invited to attend Schools Forum if there is to be discussion about their particular school.


John Constable noted it would be useful to have an update on St Joseph’s given the Forum’s previous commitments to support the school.


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