Agenda item

Updated Policy & Procedural Guidance - Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000


(a)  That the revised Covert Surveillance Policy and Procedural Guidance (Appendix A) be approved.


(b)  That the RIPA Monitoring and Coordinating Officer be authorised to make any further updates to the designation of Authorising Officers to reflect the Council’s organisational structure.


The Head of Legal Services introduced a report which sought approval of the revised Covert Surveillance Policy and Procedural Guidance.


It was noted that these documents had been agreed previously by Cabinet but that it was considered good practice for Members to approve them periodically.  The Covert Surveillance Policy and Procedural Guidance, as attached at Appendix A to the report, had been updated with changes to the Authorising Officers to reflect the new organisational structure of the Council and changes to the process for securing judicial approval for authorisations through the Magistrates’ Court.


After due consideration, the Cabinet approved the updated Policy and Procedural Guidance, noting that further amendments could be made under delegated authority to reflect organisational changes at the Council.


Resolved –


(a)  That the revised Covert Surveillance Policy and Procedural Guidance (Appendix A) be approved.


(b)  That the RIPA Monitoring and Coordinating Officer be authorised to make any further updates to the designation of Authorising Officers to reflect the Council’s organisational structure.

Supporting documents: