Agenda item

Corporate Plan 2014/15


Details of the Corporate Plan for 2014/15 were summarised. Members were  informed that the plan had been re-designed to be accessible to residents, partners and staff and that it would provide a framework for future engagement activity.


In response to what the key challenges and risk areas were for the Authority, it was highlighted that following the recent Ofsted inspection, improving Children’s Social Care was a key priority. Other priorities included delivering the budget for 2014/15 and identifying further required savings and implementing Fit for the Future to ensure that all staff have the skills to meet the challenges ahead.


A number of points were raised in the ensuing discussion, which included:


  • What measures were in place to increase the number of older people who achieved independence through rehabilitation or enablement or other types of non-residential or short term care. It was noted that the Health Scrutiny Panel were examining this issue as part of the Transformation Programme and a progress report would be submitted to Members in due course.
  • A query was raised regarding the housing priority of building more than 200 new affordable homes for local residents - specifically where these new homes would be built and the number of which would be allocated to key workers. Members were informed that a number of sites had been identified to meet the housing target which included the former town hall site and Kennedy Park. It was noted that the Employment and Appeals Committee would examine in detail the number of homes to be allocated for key workers. Members welcomed a suggestion that  the Housing Service Plan include details of allocation of houses for key workers.
  • A Member referred to the recent Ofsted Inspection regarding Children’s Social Care and proposed that a stronger emphasis be placed on constructively engaging with partners and prioritising highly any referrals made.    


Resolved –  That the Corporate Plan 2014/15 be noted and submitted to Cabinet with the following amendment:-


Page 18 – children’s social care to read:

“Encourage partners to improve frontline inter-agency working and communication in order to risk assess and prioritise highly all referrals about children at risk  in order to keep them safe.”


Supporting documents: